How to transform your fear of change into your biggest asset !
We all know and experience the fact that changing is difficult. We may need to learn new techniques and acquire new competencies, or get familiar with a new country or a new home and be obliged to get out of our comfort zone.
When we feel that the changes are too important, our level of stress can be too high and overwhelming.
Now I have learned that those changes were a driver for my self development and my level of confidence.
Introducing Mindfulness into the workplace requires a cultural shift
Imagine, delivering messages on the importance to find the right balance between being and doing in an environment where running around the whole day “like a chicken with its head cut off” has become the norm, requires quite a cultural shift.
Practicing Mindfulness in difficult times
Practising Mindfulness can help us get through difficult situations by reducing our suffering. Acceptance, conscious choices and a focus on the present moment are the pillars on which we can build a Mindfulness practice for the coming weeks and make the best out of this situation.
Seeing our goals Mindfully
Defining and reaching goals is important. But there are some pitfalls you should avoid. Setting the right goals is much easier when you practice Mindfulness because you'll have the necessary self-awareness.
Les équipes qui inter agissent de manière Mindful sont plus performantes
Pour que chacun donne le meilleur de lui-même au sein d’une équipe, il faut revoir la manière de travailler ensemble. Découvrez comment la Mindfulness permet d'y parvenir
How to become a Mindful company ?
The practice of Mindfulness really impacts the bottom line of a company and has the potential to transform organisations. Discover how to get there in simple steps.