Training Courses

Mental Health awareness and first aid toolkit


The Mental Health Awareness training and First Aid Toolkit training programme is designed to promote mental health within the company by raising awareness of common problems, identifying potential signs and symptoms, fostering a caring dialogue with team members, creating a supportive environment and developing intervention skills. As a result of this training, participants will be better equipped to recognise the needs of their colleagues and to provide appropriate initial assistance when required. By fostering a work environment where mental health is taken into account, this training contributes to the personal development of employees and the overall improvement of team performance.

Who is this mental health awareness training for?

This Mental Health awareness course online is aimed at all companies that want to promote the mental health of their employees. Whether you're a manager, a team leader or an employee, this course provides you with the tools to better understand common mental health problems, identify potential signs and symptoms, and develop the essential skills to support your colleagues in a caring way.

Why is this Mental Health Awareness training necessary for your business?

This Mental Health Awareness training is essential to the success of your company. By making your employees aware of mental health issues, you create a caring work environment where everyone feels listened to and understood. By developing communication and intervention skills, you will be better prepared to identify the needs of your colleagues and provide them with appropriate initial help in the event of distress. By promoting the mental health of your employees, you improve their well-being and overall performance, which translates into a more committed, creative and productive team.

The objectives of this mental health awareness course

  • Discover common mental health issues

  • Get to know how to identify the potential signs and symptoms

  • Learn how to engage a dialogue with team members

  • Identify the working conditions that may help preventing mental health issues and those which may favor it

  • Be able to select the first actions to be taken

How does this mental health awareness training work?

  • 1day training

  • For Senior Leaders, Front line managers, HR professional

  • Up to 12 persons

  • Interactive format

  • Group work

  • Practical case studies

What are the main benefits of this mental health awareness training?

  • Reduces stigma

  • Teaches how to connect a distressed person with the appropriate resources

  • Raise awareness

  • Build a positive and supportive culture

  • Provides practical guidance and tools


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