Manager avec authenticité dans un mode de travail hybride
Le principal défi pour les managers dans un monde de travail hybride sera de s'assurer du bon fonctionnement de la nouvelle organisation, de raviver l'engagement et de maîtriser le stress. L’authenticité dans la communication est essentielle pour créer de l’engagement à travers des distances et des écrans.
Leading with authenticity in Hybrid Work
The main challenge for managers in the hybrid work model will be to make sure that the new organisation runs smoothly, to rekindle engagement and to keep stress manageable. The key for reaching their teams will be authentic communication.
How your daily routine activities can help you become a better leader
Most of our life at work is filled with simple neutral moments. Routine activities that we don’t find interesting and sometimes even boring and that we often want to skip to finally live something pleasant, exciting, interesting.
Each day provides almost endless opportunities to tune into ourselves, to bring awareness to our thinking patterns and to change what doesn’t serve us and the people around us.
Comment devenir un meilleur leader grâce aux activités routinières quotidiennes
La majeure partie de notre vie au travail est remplie de simples moments neutres. Des activités de routine que nous ne trouvons pas intéressantes et parfois même ennuyeuses et que nous voulons souvent passer rapidement pour enfin vivre quelque chose d'agréable, d'excitant, d'intéressant. Nous nous précipitons vers un avenir potentiellement désirable qui devrait nous apporter succès et bonheur.
How to remain a mindful leader in conflictual times
We are living in difficult times. More than ever, leaders have a key role to play to give perspective, keep employees engaged and motivated whereas being very aware of the difficult times they sometimes have to face to define the right level of challenge.
Of course, Mindfulness can help a lot…
Employee engagement strategies great leaders need to implement
Employee engagement is on a all-time low if you believe the many surveys published. But if we look beyond the alarming numbers, one thing remains the same: people want to work with and for great people.