Mental Health Awareness
According to the World Health Organisation, around 11% of the world population suffers from mental disorders (jan 2023) and it is not going to get better in the coming years. More and more companies have decided to take actions on this topic to raise their employee’s knowledge and contribute to help those in need.

An HR challenge for ArcelorMittal
ArcelorMittal operates on very competitive markets that are very much influenced by the economic conditions. The HR managers have decided that one of the priorities was to train the different levels of management to better cope with stress and alienate negative risk factors for burn-out or mental health issues for themselves and their teams.
How we supported ArcelorMittal
The programme runs for a period of 8 consecutive weeks, with one 60-minute session per week.
Each week the programme covers a different theme aimed at improving the mental wellbeing of participants. These themes include understanding mental patterns and identifying personal stressors. Participants also learn how to cope with stress and select concrete actions that they can easily implement in their professional lives.
The programme is designed to be accessible to both English and French-speaking participants. It is limited to a maximum of 15 participants, which encourages an interactive and personalised environment. Each weekly session lasts 60 minutes
How did we proceed?
There is homework to do between each session. Every participant receives a learning journal so that they can take notes and define their personal action plan. All the sessions are also recorded afterwards so that people who could not attend can catch up. It is a very interactive format where participants are encouraged to share their findings, experiences and practices and can also interact with the trainers to be guided if required.
Benefits for ArcelorMittal
Participants have reported that the program has helped them to better understand their mental patterns and manage their stress both with practical techniques that they could use on the spot, but also with an increased ability to question some of their unhelpful thoughts.